*** Aktuelle BTW21 Prognose (23.02.2025 07:45:25 CET): CDU/CSU 30.5, AFD 20.9, SPD 15.0, GRÜNE 13.2, LINKE 6.8, SONSTIGE 5.3, FDP 4.3 ... Klicken Sie auf den Text für weitere Details ... ***

2011 – make love not war


A happy new year and congratulations. When you can read this text you have entered the year 2011. No doubt, the year 2010 has finished. But what are continuing are the wars around the earth and the still unpunished act of state terrorism of the United States. While the Wikileaks supporting side has ceased the fire the United States is still caught by agony and cruising around aimlessly. And the friends and partners are still waiting for excuses. This has not changed in 2011. The question is whether the United States can make a change (as Obama stated in his election campaign) or are running much stronger in … […]